Portraits in Watercolour 15th February

In discussing the differences between painting young and old faces, Caroline began with a very helpful hint: use wet in wet for young smooth faces, wash over first and drop in the colour, giving the bloom on the cheeks. The model this week was a Cuban woman of some years, accompanied by her cigar. Starting … Read more

Mixed Media Demonstration

Caroline Marsland demonstrated the use of mixed media to the Dupont Art Club  class on January 18th, 2017 It is important to chose the media to match the painting. Layering is the key to mixed media. She pointed out that almost anything can be used in a this type of painting. Suggestions for the first … Read more

Painting a glass bottle 7th December

In this very interesting demonstration, Caroline started with a pale green wash, onto which she loosely sketched the shape of the straight sided bottle. Then she put in a white background around the shape. Using a flat brush she painted in the four corners and the base of the bottle, then the round neck. A … Read more

Book Jacket Talk – 12th October

My thanks to Lesley McBride for again supplying notes and images for this talk. Caroline began by discussing the ways in which book covers are designed nowadays. Everyone uses a computer, employing either GIMP or Photoshop, which are both compatible with Mac and PCs , but GIMP is free. The work is done in layers: … Read more

Watercolour Textures Demo 28th September

Caroline introduced a number of ways to produce washes, using both a paintbrush and other materials to get varied effects. The first was with an upright board and brush: Wet on dry Wet on wet Graded Wet on dry: using a flat 1” brush and dark paint, not too water brush once across and drag … Read more

Abstract Still Life Demo14th September

Many thanks to Lesley McBride, who kindly provided the photos and commentary for this demo. The still life Carolyn selected to work from was this: Artists often pick out one aspect of the still life. Difficult to know where to start?  Consider:  Look at line  Look at colours: are they warm or cool?  Colours talk to … Read more

Abstracts in Watercolour 31st August

Using a photograph of a farmyard battle between two cockerels, Caroline introduced abstract painting with the concepts of non-objective, by which we express something from within, and objective, in which the artist paints their impression of a subject. Caroline chose to begin with the tail feathers of the black & white bird, using bold strokes … Read more

Water Colour Portraits 4th August 2016

Stephanie Butler Watercolour Portrait Demo 4th August 2016 Last Thursday the club arranged a demonstration by Stephanie, using watercolour for portraiture, which was very well attended. Stephanie advises using a palette of 6-7 basic colours, listed below: Aureolin, permanent rose, cerulean, cobalt, ultramarine, burnt sienna, permanent rose. Stephanie starts with a very faint drawing of … Read more

Using Resins in Art – A Demonstration

  On Wednesday, July 27th members of the Dupont Art Club were treated to a demonstration on the artistic use of resins by Aram Friedrich and Rob Jenkins of Eli-Chem Resins U.K. Aram explained that 95 percent of their business was industrial and 5 percent was for artistic purposes. They have excellent demonstrations on their … Read more

Seas Demo July 20th

Caroline showed a number of images from the work of Kurt Jackson among others, drawing attention to his techniques of painting the sea in stripes with a thin stripe on the horizon, and his use of “splattering”. As Caroline started to paint, she said that the horizon often disappears. The focus should be on either … Read more