Expressive Trees in. Watercolour

Expressive Trees

This workshop with Caroline started with the painting of white masking fluid over white areas and reflections.After letting it dry, she mixed pools of turquoise,purple, blue and orange. Painting the purple loosely she covered it with plastic wrap and left to dry. She removed this leaving a lovely texture.  She added orange with deep brown … Read more

Planning a Painting

Caroline used a photo of 3 puppies, but the ideas were to be used on location so you can capture the tones and light of the moment.  First she planned the construction of the painting using artistic licence to alter the height of one of the puppies to help the definition and balance, this also … Read more

Painting a Short Haired Black Dog

Caroline did a rough sketch in acrylic paint of the Labrador, then mixed colours rather than using black. She looked for colours which were picked up in the sheen from the surroundings, green and red to give it depth. Make it stand out rather than a boring photo. Blocked in all the dark areas first, mix of … Read more

Pointalism in Watercolour

Pointillism describes a technique in which hundreds of small dots or dashes of pure colour are applied to the canvas in order to create maximum luminosity. Colour spots are blended into a range of tones. The dots of colour give a richer and more subtle effect then can be achieved by conventional techniques. George Seuart … Read more