Expressive Loose Watercolour Animals

Expressive watercolour painting

Caroline sketched an outline of squirrel. She mixed the water colours ready for use ranging from raw sienna, ultra marine, red, yellow ochre, green pthalo, and mixed to form lights and darks of purples and grey.She squinted to emphasise the dark areas, and noting any specific interest. Caroline started with the head. A twig or a drawing … Read more

Ripples and Reflections with Coloured Pencils

Caroline often starts in the middle of the picture and works out. The dark/light contrast attracted her so that was where she started drawing the buildings, measuring shapes in comparison with others. She drew with a 4B pencil but normally would choose a 7B. She hold the pencil from the end( the back) to get … Read more

Expressive Trees in. Watercolour

Expressive Trees

This workshop with Caroline started with the painting of white masking fluid over white areas and reflections.After letting it dry, she mixed pools of turquoise,purple, blue and orange. Painting the purple loosely she covered it with plastic wrap and left to dry. She removed this leaving a lovely texture.  She added orange with deep brown … Read more

Planning a Painting

Caroline used a photo of 3 puppies, but the ideas were to be used on location so you can capture the tones and light of the moment.  First she planned the construction of the painting using artistic licence to alter the height of one of the puppies to help the definition and balance, this also … Read more