Terms and Conditions
To provide facilities for persons of all ages to further their interest in, and practice of, their chosen form of art – painting, drawing etc.
1 The Annual subscription shall be decided by the committee and put to the A.G.M. for ratification. The subscription shall run from September 1st to August 31st.
2 Only those who have paid the subscription for the current year may participate in the activities of the group unless meetings and other events have been specifically agreed to be open to non-members.
3 If the conduct of any member of the group shall, in the opinion of the committee, be injurious to the principles of the group, then that member shall be asked to resign.
4 Students under sixteen years of age may attend all meetings and activities of the group without paying the annual subscription – at the discretion of the committee.
1 The Honorary Treasurer shall keep all financial records for the group and shall report on all funds to each meeting of the committee.
2 All monies received shall be paid into a deposit or current account with a Building Society or Bank.
3 The authorized signatories to the Bank or Building Society shall be the Honorary Treasurer, the Chairman and one other member of the committee.
4 No cash withdrawals shall be made from the deposit account without the agreement of the committee.
5 All expenses in excess of £5 (five pounds) other than recurring expenses shall be approved by the Chairman or the Honorary Treasurer or one other member of the committee.
6 No expenses shall be deducted from the monies collected at sessions without the authority of a committee member.
7 All claims for expenses and other payments shall be supported by the appropriate vouchers/receipts or, if these are not available, by the signature of the claimant.
8 The financial year shall end on the 31st July.
9 The Honorary Treasurer shall submit accounts to be members at the Annual General Meeting.
10 The appointment of the Hon. Auditor shall be confirmed by the members at the Annual General Meeting.
11. In the event of Dupont Art Club disbanding, all surplus funds shall be given to an Art related Charity selected by the committee and agreed by members at a General Meeting.
1 An Annual General Meeting shall be held within four months of the end of the financial year.
2 Notice of a General Meeting shall be given to all members in writing at least 14 (fourteen) days before the date of the meeting.
3 Only members shall be entitled to attend at General Meetings.
4 All members shall have one vote.
5 In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
6 A member unable to attend at a General Meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his or her place provided that the relevant notice is received by the Honorary Secretary at least 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting.
7 No person may be appointed to act as proxy for more than one member.
8 A Special General Meeting shall be convened at the request in writing of a least 10 (ten) members.
9 The number of members required for a quorum shall be 20 (twenty).
10 Any member joining the group within fourteen days of the date of a General Meeting may attend at the Meeting but may only vote at the discretion of the committee.
1 Membership of the committee shall be open to all members of the group.
2 All members of the committee shall be elected each years at the A.G.M. after being nominated and seconded by members of the club.
3 The committee shall consist of a Chairman, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Secretary and up to six other members or such number as shall be agreed by the members at a General Meeting.
4 The Officers shall be appointed by the committee at the first meeting after the A.G.M. – this meeting shall be held within 7 (seven) days of the A.G.M.
5 The committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three additional members of the group for specific purposes.
6 The committee shall have the power to fill vacancies occurring during the year.
7 All members of the committee whether elected, appointed or co-opted shall have equal voting rights.
8 In the case of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
9 Four members of the committee, excluding co-opted members, together with an Officer, shall for a quorum.
10 If the Chairman of the group is absent from a meeting of the committee, then a Chairman for that meeting shall be elected from those members present.
11 The committee shall have the power to form sub-committees for various events and functions.
12 All sub-committees shall include at least one elected member of the committee and that member shall report upon the progress of the sub-committee when called upon to do so.
13 The committee shall meet at least once every three months.
1 The charges for working sessions, tutors and models shall be fixed by the committee and may be altered at any time provided that four weeks’ notice is given in writing to all members.
2 Neither Dupont Art Club nor the owners of any other property where exhibitions or any other activities shall be held shall be responsible for the personal safety, property and equipment of any member or their guests.
1 Exhibitions of members work will be held from time to time.
2 Regulations concerning exhibitions will be given to all members in writing at least six weeks before the commencement of the exhibition.
3 If a selection panel is required it will consist of outside judges.
4 All exhibits remain the responsibility of the exhibitor.
1 No alteration may be affected without the approval of a two-thirds majority of those present at a General Meeting where members have been notified in writing that the Constitution is to be discussed.
2 A copy of the Constitution should be readily available to all members at all sessions for consultation. New members’ attention should be drawn to its existence.