Painting Spring Flowers In Acrylic on a Black Surface
PAINTING SPRING FLOWERS IN ACRYLIC ON A BLACK SURFACE Lucy Parker demonstrated a dramatic version of a seasonal still life on good quality black paper. Many people were tempted to give it a try themselves during that afternoon, where Lucy was available to assist. She started by using quality acrylic paint with good pigment to … Read more
Nest and Eggs in Pastels
Birds nest and eggs Medium Chalk pastels on black paper. Work from dark to light, starting with a brown to outline the nest and position the eggs so they will form the focal point. Start building the nest with the dark browns introducing lighter colours and blending them, this can be done with the pastel … Read more
Planning a Painting
Caroline used a photo of 3 puppies, but the ideas were to be used on location so you can capture the tones and light of the moment. First she planned the construction of the painting using artistic licence to alter the height of one of the puppies to help the definition and balance, this also … Read more