Caroline instructed us to have all of our colors mixed ahead of time. She used yellow ocher and ultramarine to make the grays. All primaries mixed together will also make a gray. She used the turquoise straight without mixing it.
For method one she took a large brush and painted a wash across the sky. She let it absorb until it was slightly damp. She picked up the shape of the clouds with a sponge and the bottom line of the cloud was, painted in a light gray. The shadows around the cloud were also in light grays. To get rid of the hard edge, she put a wet brush along the bottom to help move the line.
Method 2 This method has no wet wash. All she did was paint the sky color around a cloud shape and used a wet brush to merge the hard edges into the clouds with a light gray. She painted lines into the cloud this way.
Message three. A rainy sky was painted by using yellow ultramarine and red. She started with a pale yellow at the top of the cloud and orange at the bottom, and then used gray with the sharp edges, washing into the top of the cloud, into the yellow and into the orange. Some purple can be added to this as well to suggest rain. She suggested to keep this wet all the time to blend.
Caroline uses the white night watercolors as they have very high pigment and are reasonably priced. In case any of us use these watercolors she informed us that apparently the white night watercolors which are from Russia are being taken off the shelves as the UK added a 30% tax on them so the manufacturer is withdrawing them from the UK market. She has been busy buying as many as she can find it.