Collage with Acrylic Paint

Caroline sketched out the head of a tiger, then using non shiny magazine pictures she picked out different coloured paper, some with interesting patterns, you could also use old postage stamps, wrapping paper, anything that will create interest and draw the eye. With a strong Pva glue you could also use old jewellery or even pebbles.
Covering the tigers head with Pva glue, Caroline tore and added strips to the face, picking out a colour and shape for the nose adding extra layers again to create interest through texture. A jigsaw effect. 
To draw everything together, acrylic paint will cover most surfaces.
Caroline mixed white yellow and red for stripes. She added a little yellow to white for the white stripes, blue, red and a little yellow and pink for grey using an old bristle brush to create the look of the fur. Then giving detail with black. The focal point are the eyes for which orange with a hint of black just to dull it down, circled with black and then the tigers markings, the nose was yellow with a hint of orange. The paint pulls the picture together and can make for a subtle look. 
Glaze  everything when dry 

Collage with acrylic