Yesterday I had the pleasure of stewarding at the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry being exhibited at the Westminster Hall in London. This spectacular collection of embroidered panels from people of global Scottish descent was amazing in it’s blending of colours, line, and design. Many people commented on the use of similar colours and drawing style. This was because all of the 305 panels were carefully designed by one artist. This talented artist was Andrew Crummy. He drew each panel with lines and colour and left the actual stitching styles and some content to the embroiderers. This gave this display the continuity needed for such a grand effect.
This continuity of good design and style is important for an artist to develop ones own reconizable artistic voice. Investigating many ways of doing art is all part of the growing process for an artist. Settling on one subject or method can be a challenge. The backbone of artistic progress must be in good design. After that, following your passion is what inspires you to produce more.
Thoughts from a Dupont Art Club member
J. Alexander