Over twenty artists from Dupont painted their way through Samuel Spencer’s ‘The Resurrection of Cookham’ on May 29th at Ventnor Hall. When we first gazed at this picture, it was hard to keep track of who was raising out of which gravestone but after study, you could see what a humerous and technically painted piece this was.
With twenty artists each working on our own small section, struggling to see what they were suppose to paint, I’m afraid that Mr. Spencer would have rolled in his grave! The piece lacked the continuity of previous big pictures and one struggles to make sense of what we are seeing. Never the less, everyone had a fun time with this one Many comments could be heard around the room about discovery of a rising bodies in their piece which at first looked like a shadows, and people trying to match up colours with neighbouring tiles being painted.
All in all, a good time was had by all. Maybe a nice Monet might be easier to get continuity in the future. Many photos will follow shortly