Art Demonstrations

You can see Art Demonstrations articles below.

YouTube Videos

See Art Tutorials by Dupont Art Club’s two excellent instructors, Lucy Parker and Caroline Marsland. An excellent way to keep your painting skills up.

Painting a Sunset Demonstration 21st March

Today we enjoyed a demonstration by Caroline of painting a sky at sunset. To begin with, Caroline under painted the board with a sympathetic colour, in this case a Yellow...

Collage Demonstration 7th March

  Caroline demonstrated the art of Collage today, showing how to build up an image using paper, including magazines and papers in a good variety of colours. Torn Mosaic First...

Composition – A talk by Caroline Marsland. 22nd February

The talk began with Caroline listing five headings, under which she would develop the subject of composition: Line Tonal Values Colour Chroma Warm & Cool Line: When thinking about your...

Monoprinting 24th January

Acrylics and oil sticks, along with materials easily assembled at home, monoprinting was the focus of today’s demonstration. Using an oil stick and a glass sheet (ex-refrigerator), Caroline covered the...

Pen and Quink Ink Sketching

Instructor Caroline Marsland took a different take on using pen and ink in our art. She used the water soluble quink ink which comes in a few colors. She started...

Painting Snow

Dupont instructor, Caroline Marsland gave a demo on painting snow on Dec 13/17. She used acrylic paint mixed in big batches of colours and started with a quick sketch. She...

Painting Rust Demo 15th November

The title of this week’s demonstration may not sound that exciting, but Caroline presented a very interesting session, bringing a rather ordinary subject to life with innovative techniques. There were...

Painting Fur & Feathers Demo 1st November

This demonstration was most helpful for those of us wanting to paint animals and birds. Caroline started by introducing us to painting short feathers, as those on the owl below:...

Movement in People 4th October

Caroline started her talk by showing some examples of people in motion. Artist Sergei Chepik used strong exaggerated poses to bring energy to his paintings such as the bullfighter.  ...

Mediums Demo 20th September

Today Caroline presented a selection of mediums: Pencils, both lead and coloured, charcoal, watercolours, acrylics and pastels, along with her personal recommendations as to brands. Pencils Caroline favours 8B for...

Painting with Oils 6th September

Painting with Oils  6th September Many materials can be used to paint on: canvas, canvas board, hardboard or paper, but all must be sealed before starting. Those bought ready made...

Glazing on Black and White 16th August

  The use of  glazes over a black and white portrait painting  gives a different glowing result. Caroline had a photograph of a young person and had painted it in...

Preparing Work for an Exhibition

Thanks go to Lesley McBride, who recorded Caroline’s talk, and to Judy Alexander for the images. Caroline Marsland’s talk today was especially helpful, with the Club’s upcoming exhibition in August...

Plein Air Painting 19th July

Caroline began her demonstration with some points to consider before starting an open air painting session. Reconnoitre before choosing a site. Are there a lot of possibly intrusive people around?...

Lino Cutting Demo

Caroline Marsland, our tutor gave a demonstration of lino cutting at our July wednesday class. I have taken the liberty of copying the description of lino cutting from 'Gradually Greener...

Bauhaus Furniture 21st June

The Bauhaus (trans. School of Building) was founded in Weimar in 1919 by Walter Gropius, who was very interested in manufacturing combined with art. It was created as a centre...

Composition Demo 7th June

We were treated to a very comprehensive and helpful talk and demonstration on composition by Caroline, in which she outlined how to plan a picture, illustrated by examples by well-known...


On the 24th May Caroline gave us a talk and demonstration on “Pop Art”. She started by telling us that although we associate pop art with the 50’s and 60’s,...

Watercolour Demo by Polly Raynes 10th May

We were very fortunate to have Polly Raynes demonstrate her methods of using watercolours for the club. After drawing an outline of a most attractive still life, Polly began by...

When is a Painting Finished? 12th April

A Wreck (possibly related to 'Longships Lighthouse, Land's End') circa 1835-40 Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851 Accepted by the nation as part of the Turner Bequest 1856
A talk by Caroline Marsland. There is no limit time-wise to finishing a painting. The examples by Turner of a ship emerging from fog and a train emerging from steam...

Perspective Demo 15th March

Caroline gave a very interesting demonstration of the use of perspective last week. There was a detailed and fast commentary to accompany the diagrams, and for that reason, this report...

Life Drawing Domonstration

Life Drawing On March 1st Dupont art instructor, Caroline Marsland gave us a lecture and demonstration on life drawing. She started out by advising us that we need to decide...

Portraits in Watercolour 15th February

In discussing the differences between painting young and old faces, Caroline began with a very helpful hint: use wet in wet for young smooth faces, wash over first and drop...

Mixed Media Demonstration

Caroline Marsland demonstrated the use of mixed media to the Dupont Art Club  class on January 18th, 2017 It is important to chose the media to match the painting. Layering...

Painting a glass bottle 7th December

In this very interesting demonstration, Caroline started with a pale green wash, onto which she loosely sketched the shape of the straight sided bottle. Then she put in a white...

Book Jacket Talk – 12th October

My thanks to Lesley McBride for again supplying notes and images for this talk. Caroline began by discussing the ways in which book covers are designed nowadays. Everyone uses a...

Watercolour Textures Demo 28th September

Caroline introduced a number of ways to produce washes, using both a paintbrush and other materials to get varied effects. The first was with an upright board and brush: Wet...

Abstract Still Life Demo14th September

Many thanks to Lesley McBride, who kindly provided the photos and commentary for this demo. The still life Carolyn selected to work from was this: Artists often pick out one aspect...

Abstracts in Watercolour 31st August

Using a photograph of a farmyard battle between two cockerels, Caroline introduced abstract painting with the concepts of non-objective, by which we express something from within, and objective, in which...

Water Colour Portraits 4th August 2016

Stephanie Butler Watercolour Portrait Demo 4th August 2016 Last Thursday the club arranged a demonstration by Stephanie, using watercolour for portraiture, which was very well attended. Stephanie advises using a...

Using Resins in Art – A Demonstration

  On Wednesday, July 27th members of the Dupont Art Club were treated to a demonstration on the artistic use of resins by Aram Friedrich and Rob Jenkins of Eli-Chem...

Seas Demo July 20th

Caroline showed a number of images from the work of Kurt Jackson among others, drawing attention to his techniques of painting the sea in stripes with a thin stripe on...

Painting Rocks Demo June 22nd

Painting Rocks Demo 22nd June   Caroline showed several photos from her sketchbook. Make dark and shadow shapes first, and then washes of colour after light. You can use sandpaper...

Presentation & Pricing of Pictures for an Exhibition.

As we have our exhibition coming up, we have decided to add an extra lecture/demo by Caroline Marsland at our regular class on July 13,  Wednesday afternoon at 130. it...

Composition and Simplification

Our Wednesday. June 8th Dupont class lecture  with Caroline Marsland covered composition and simplification. It was an excellent class for all levels of artist. Some of the main points she...

Hashim Akib Demonstration Review

Recently a number of Dupont members attended an acrylic painting demonstration by well known artist Hashim Akib. Demonstration in Acrylics by Hashim Akib at St Helen’s Hall, Hangleton August 22nd...